Espavo, a word to Re-member
The meaning behind the message
Espavo, a word to Re-member
In live channel in Baltimore Maryland in March of 1998, the group first told the story of Amor. The story begins with Amor as a twelve year old boy living in the days of Mu (Lemuria). The group says it is time to tell this story because we are at a point in our evolution that is very similar to where we were in the days of Mu.
In the very first chapter of this story, the group told of how Amor was at his Walk into Life. This was a custom where a twelve year old boy or girl would declare their commitment to be a responsible adult. There were no laws to speak of in the days of Mu, but there were customs that they adhered to. One of those customs was when a person walked into Life they would choose one other person, usually older, to whom they would make a commitment to help them transition when it was time. At the very last moment Amor chose a man whom he knew only slightly named Etu. (pronounced Atoo) Etu was a linguist who worked with the ancient languages. During the months and years that followed, Amor and Etu got to know each other as the custom suggested.
After being apart for some time Amor was summoned to the house of Etu, for it was his time. Even though Etu was a very young man he was still leaving. Amor came to his side and in that moment the two men completed their sacred contract. Amor gave permission and guidance for Etu to leave if he chose. Etu then had Amor come close to the bed. He told him that he had a gift for Amor. As Amor bent down to hear Etu told him the gift was a word and the word was ESPAVO. In the last hours of his life Etu explained that the word ESPAVO was used in the ancient days of Mu. It was a greeting that was used for both hello and and goodbye. Etu told Amor that it was now time to bring back this ancient word into use for the time of evolution was nearing. This word was to help people re-member their true place in the Universe.

Espavo, a word to Re-member
“Thank you for taking your power”
When I returned home after that event in Baltimore I did an exhaustive search to see if that word existed in English, Spanish, Italian and other languages. Although the internet was fairly new then I found nothing with that spelling.
In early 2000 a volunteer gathering of transcriptionists began transcribing the groups channels. As a side note, in 2006 “Greetings from Home” was published and dedicated to this team and their leader Becky Hannah.
One of the first transcriptions I got back from this team was this first Amor story channel that introduced that word. I received it on 10/12/2000 and published a shortened version on the then web site two weeks later. I always had dreams of publishing all of the Amor stories in a book. Even though I have published 8 books to date, this one never materialized.
That full transcript of the first channel is below. It’s a beautiful story and there are at least 15 more chapters. I still have hopes of turning this story into a book but for now it still sits. I just can’t help but wonder if the world was not ready for it. Or maybe the the word ESPAVO was the only really important seed they wished to plant.
If you do a Google search of that word today, you will find more 14,000 listings. In the days that followed this channel, many have used the word ESPAVO to name their businesses, music, and many items including Yoga pants. The Espavo non-profit corporation does hold a trademark on this word in the areas broadcast, TV and spiritual teachings and although the group was the originator of the word, we invite everyone to use this ancient greeting once again to remind people to take and hold their own power. This is time.
The full transcript of this chapter of the first Amor story is below. Welcome Home
ESPAVO dear ones
“Thank you for taking your power.”
Steve Rother,
CEO of the Espavo corporation
and proud channel for “The group.”
Let Others Inspire You.
"Truly a magical and wonderful message from the group. Thank you for all that you do."
Lara Thompson
Thank you for this most incredible gift of clarity and encouragement! Much Love.
Audrey Witko
The Story of Amor
Transcript from the live channel presented on March 21st 1998.
Greetings from Home.
We have been waiting so long to come in. Ahh, yes. And the laughter does invite us in with all the gleefulness of Home. You have created heaven on Earth. You are now in the process of refining it. You are now in the process of making it your own. If we do nothing more in our time together than to pull the veil aside for just a moment, then we have created what we came here to do. If you can see yourself through our eyes for just a moment, you will see your magnificence. You will see your true heritage and you will see your power. Do not be afraid of it, it is who you are. It is not what you learn, it is who you are. It is not what you do, it is who you are. Before you leave this place look very closely in each other’s eyes. It is not a coincidence that you have come together on this day for there is a family re-union in progress on the other side of the veil that you cannot see. You are the finite expression of that re-union. Yes, we dance on both sides of the veil this weekend and we love to dance with you.
We are here with you often. We are here with you more than you know, and yet so often we reach from behind you and touch you, and all we are able to do is raise the hair on your arms. Know that it is us. Know that we are a part of you for we, too, are a part of your family. And the love we have for you will take you Home even though you stay where you sit. We honor you more than you know. Your path is only possible because of what you have done. The choices you have made as a collective vibration of humanity have opened the door for the creation of heaven on Earth. And here we go. You are re-defining the Game. You are creating your passion and joy right where you sit. There are many that are waiting for the ascension to go off in the ethers and to start a new world somewhere. You are there. You are doing it here and it has already begun.
We wish to spend our time together this afternoon telling you as story; one that we have waited a very long time to tell. We did not think we would get this opportunity. Tell the Keeper to please breathe. It is time to tell the story of Amor. We will begin it now and continue it in increments. For Amor is a twelve year old boy who lives in a wonderful, magical land. The magical land that we speak of has lay lines that cross one other and intersect each other in such a way that simply entering that space creates a very special feeling of bringing you Home. In many ways this was the portal that actually transported the vibrations of Home to Earth. And it was felt that all who inhabited it and overwhelmed by many for these feelings, although they were welcomed, could only be handled by the highest vibration. We share that vibration with you now in a single word of two letters. Mu. The land of Mu is the same place that you are now creating on Earth and therefore we will tell you the story of Amor. This wonderful, beautiful twelve year old boy, just like you. For his days in Mu were grand. They were exciting and that is where we begin our story.
He is sitting on a boulder that overlooks the valley. He sees nothing but the treetops rustling in the wind. He hears the beautiful sounds, the birds. The sounds off in the distance of the water rushing up against the shore. And here is where our story begins as this twelve year old boy has the presence of mind to say thank you for being here. For as his guides gather round him, as his guides hug him from behind he looks at the Game he is playing and says, thank you for being here. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part in this Grand Game for It is such a wonderful experience. It is no coincidence that Amor is sitting in this solitude place today. This is Amor’s special place. This is the place that was put on this planet for him. Amor is sitting in his own vibrations this day because he is gathering his thoughts. Tomorrow is his twelfth birthday. Tomorrow is the day he makes his statement of life. It is called the walk into light and is the awakening process of a twelve year old in the land of Mu.
There are many of you wondering if the land of Mu is the same as Lemuria. Yes. Lemuria is a word that you understand yet it was not used in those days for the two syllabic vibrations of Mu carry with it a special energy that takes you instantly back to Home.
So Amor is sitting on this stone, this beautiful, grand, element—this beautiful being, gathering his thoughts about tomorrow and his mind goes to the different things in his life for as he gives thanks for being a part of the Game, he thinks of his father and the wonderful things that have happened to him. And he thinks of his mother and the wonderful warm heart connections that she has taught him. He thinks of the struggles that he has been through and he welcomes them, for they have given him gifts. And he thinks of his older sister who drives him crazy. Yes. It is the same. And he gives thanks for her for she has pushed him into part of his empowerment. He wrestles with one problem for tomorrow will be the grand day that he speaks in front of his friends and makes a statement about who he is and prepares his statement of intent to the universe. Yet there is a custom in Mu that on this walk into light one person chooses another to help them transition on the day of their death. Here you have transition teams. Those are special master healers that help to make the transition for people. You are an honored lot for you are the cream of the crop. You think you may be doing a job that no one else wants yet we tell you, you are planting seeds beyond your understanding. A very important role, indeed, are the transition teams for they determine the full advancement of humanity. For much the way you would go to sleep with some heavy thought on your mind, that also determines what you wake up with. Yes. Humans are the same. If you go to the other side of the veil and re-turn Home labored in thought, if you re-turn Home stressed, if you re-turn Home hurt and angry, you must experience that when you come back. So those who help you in transition prepare your energy for that transition are special, gifted beings. Yes. There are many of you here in the room. It is good that you see that recognized that in your own heart.
Yet in the days of Mu it was the custom that as one twelve year old child takes the walk into light and begins the awakening process that they also choose another. One who has not been chosen and vow to assist them in their day of departure. A fine custom it was yet Amor could not find anyone to help. Anyone that he had hoped or chosen had already been chosen. There were no rules around it. It was not that he could not have chosen, but he knew in his heart the right person was not there yet. So he had the courage to walk forward and go into his walk into light and stand the next morning.
Everyone greeted him and everyone hugged him. Everyone wrapped him in their own angel wings and said, congratulations Amor. Even his sister, Marta, with all of her heart beating said, my brother, I honor you for already you have done things that I could not do. And he felt her love. And he knew he was Home. And he walked to the stage where he was to make his speech and yes, he was nervous. He was a twelve year old boy. The custom required that he stand on the stage himself and speak to the crowd of beings. They all held their hands up to him as a welcome and sent him energy and as he breathed that energy in, a huge aura encompassed Amor and he felt his heart swell with the greatest of pride for being the one standing on the stage. It was not ego, it was love. He was standing doing what he had come to do and he was there where he was supposed to be, and he prepared his talk and he looked around the room for as each one of those people hugged him on the way to the stage he looked into their eyes and asked himself, is this the one? Is this the one? And he did not hear it and he was very concerned that he would not able to pick the person he was to help transition. Yet the music began and his speech began. And Amor walked bravely for a twelve year old boy, spoke eloquently, made himself understood and there was not a dry eye in the house for Amor had not prepared a speech. Amor spoke from the heart.
And Amor said the same thing that he said sitting on that beautiful boulder. He said, thank you. He said thank you for letting me play this wonderful part. For even if I am here only today, it has been fun and it is beautiful and I am enjoying it and I will do my best to share that with others and to take that further. And then came the time according to custom that the person he was to be help transition was to come to the stage and take his place. Amor opened his mouth to speak to the crowd that he had not made his choice and that they would simply have to give him more time. He would change tradition a little bit and that would be fine for there are no rules in Mu. And in that moment that he opened his mouth, his eye focused on the person in the crowd right in front of him. A momentary glance changed between the two of them and he knew in a second that was it. He had met the gentleman only once before. A gentleman of roughly fifty years of age. Etu was his name. And in that moment without saying a word, Etu started making his way through the crowd to the steps of the stage. Etu walked up along side of Amor and their eyes met. A great applause went up from the crowd, for in that moment they had chosen each other for Etu had not been chosen before and it was a little unusual that there would be such an age difference. For usually the age difference would be much greater.
You see, in the days of Mu, the average lifespan was one hundred and seventy-two years. So we have two young men on the stage and there were little whispers about it throughout the crowd. It does not matter for these two knew it was right and it was guided by spirit and the day was complete in that moment. Amor had made his choice and it felt good. And Amor once again turned to the crowd and said, thank you for being Home. I am honored to be in the place called Mu. I am honored to be here in this moment for you have made my life complete. I promise to help in any way I can to share that with all of you for such was the tradition of Mu.
The government of Mu was a rather interesting one. We speak of it now only because you will be seeing it again. You are creating it where you stand. It is actually a form of non-government. Yet it works. The very basis of this non-government, this self-regulating government, has already started in your own communities in the form of the Internet. Is anyone in charge? Not really. That is why it works. The government of Mu was there to serve the people in truly that sense. For there were many on this land. It was a large land, a special land. This was the heart of the Earth and the planet knew it, and the planet treated it as such and the very best of everything was available on Mu.
Now we take you to the second day, the day after the twelfth birthday. Actually the third day, the Keeper has corrected me. And now we begin a process for it is important that these two people that have chosen each other to help transition would get to know each other. Amor knocks on the door of Etu. Etu comes to the door and tells his family he will be leaving for a time for he must spend time with his transitioner. They go to none other than the place of the boulder and they sit in the sun. As Amor shares this very special place, his special place, with Etu and Etu speaks for it is Etu’s job to tell Amor who he is. Etu is a teacher. He is a grand teacher indeed and Etu has, much like Amor, already chosen the person he will help transition. And much like custom being handed down, he is saying the same things now to Amor that were said to him by his teacher. He said, Amor, I will speak to you my truth as it sits within my own heart. And I promise to you, dear soul, that I will always speak from the heart. And that I will always speak my truth. Amor says, I will do the same and in that moment Etu holds up his hand as if to say it is not necessary for you to speak. In that moment Etu begins to bring information through his higher self telling all about who he is. All about what he would call his successes and his failures. All about his life lessons. All about the people that have come into his life, yet he speaks it so eloquently in such a way that he has never spoken before. Etu sits on the boulder that day and he shares his truth. His deepest honesty about the fears of his relationship, about the fears of maybe he is not raising his children right. He shares his deepest, darkest secrets with Amor. And Amor sits there like the grand gentleman that he is and accepts in unconditional love. Wise beyond his years is this young man. He is there for a reason. Those are the words that Etu speaks to the young man who sits in front of him. And in that day, that day alone, they walk down from the special place which was a mountain and by the time they reach the bottom of the mountain they knew each other on a heart level. And it was good.
One more time, Amor looks up to the treetops and before leaving, he sees the sunset. With Etu at his side he puts his arm out and touches him on the back of his heart chakra and says, thank you for letting me be here. Etu speaks to Amor and says there is one thing that I cannot tell you at this moment but I will tell you when it is time. Amor is very curious. Oh, Etu, please do not keep me in suspense. Tell me what it is. No, it is not time. Timing is everything. After badgering for several hours Etu still would not tell him what it was and the two of them walked home together. They had a wonderful day. And as Amor dropped Etu off at his house and continued on to his own, he looked to the setting sun once again and said, thank you. And life was good in Mu.
Years went by with occasional contact with Etu but essentially the contract was done for there was an age difference and although they got together occasionally to connect, there was nothing to really connect with for it was done all in that one afternoon. Two souls joined.
Five years later there is a knock at the door and before Amor’s mother can answer the door, he knows that Etu is leaving. And Amor rises and says, Etu you are in trouble. I must find my way to you. And the news is that Etu is dying. Such a young man. Fifty-five years of age and dying. He has called for Amor. Amor is the one who will touch his heart with his own truth and help him be comfortable in his passing. He knows it is his time.
Amor makes his preparations and makes his way to Etu’s house where Etu is laying in bed. His family is around and his family is not too happy to see Amor for it signals that they may be losing their father. It is OK. Amor knows that this was part of his job when he chose it and then they look immediately past that and they hug Amor and ask if there is anything that you can do, please do it. Amor says, I will. And with that they all usher into the bedroom for Etu is dying. Etu looks up and a big smile comes across his face and he says, there you are. I have missed you. Amor looks at him and reaches out and touches him with his angel wings. And in that moment, the two of them join. He says, Etu, it is OK. You have done well and if you wish to leave, you may. Imagine the presence of a young man, seventeen years of age, having the courage to look into the soul of another and give him permission to leave.
A really big smile comes over Etu’s face and Etu says, I am ready to tell you now. Amor says, tell me what? Etu speaks. I will tell you now what I could not tell you on the mountain that day for it was not time. It is now time for you, too, have learned to speak your truth. Amor bends down and puts an ear down to Etu and Amor listens very carefully as Etu speaks very quietly. One word only. Espavo. Amor looks at Etu and says, Espavo? What is Espavo? And then he re-members that Etu in fact has been a scholar of the ancient scrolls and knows much about the many, many parental races that have gone before. A smile again comes across Etu’s face as he says, Espavo is the word that was used for greeting. It was used to say, hello dear one and goodbye dear one for it means something very, very important. As Etu continues he says, it means thank you for taking your power. Amor, I have but one word to say to you. Espavo, dear one, for you have made my life complete. And with that he breathes his last breath. Tears come to Amor’s eyes for he will miss this dear one. And yet he knows he is now being greeted for what happened in the times between is that Amor has learned to speak his truth and in the five years that had passed, Amor had written his own scrolls. They were the scrolls of the afterlife. They were the scrolls of how the greeters will come and greet you. They were the scrolls of how you are to walk into the light. They were the scrolls of how you will be acclimated to Home. This is what made Etu’s transition easier and Etu was grateful.
There will be more stories of Amor for it illustrates very effectively the time that you are now creating here on your own Home. Your choices have led you to a very magical time. You are creating the very basis of Home on Earth. You are the human angels that will touch each other and re-member Home. For we are only here as an interim re-minder. We ask that you follow that which is in your heart for that is where the truth really resides. Speak your truth. Stand firmly in who you are for that is grand and you, indeed, are honored. For we are very honored to sit at your feet, to be here this moment and to share a story with you is our greatest desire. To be here in these times to touch your heart only for these moments is what we have come here to do. We thank you and we share this word with you. Espavo.
We will now take questions.
Question from the audience: You talked a little bit about, we are creating this age of light. It starts with part of the governments. . .[this was the end of the tape and we lost a few words as it changed sides.]
Answer: It was actually a form of non-government that existed on Mu. It had evolved over eons for Mu was the creation of the greatest of energies and the culmination of some of the highest life lessons. The vortexes of energy and the portals that existed on Mu were only created there because of the magnetic alignments that were possible in that area. Because of this, only the highest vibrational people could exist and stay and live in that area and as a result, many of the lower vibrational people had to find other places to live.
Please understand that as we talk about lower vibrational and higher vibrational, one is not better than the other. This would be as if we were comparing your third grade to your fourth. There is a huge misunderstanding of this which actually caused the problems in Atlantis. Do not make that mistake again. Understand that all is welcomed here yet this particular vibration only allowed a certain amount of people there. Therefore, the government that existed was very non-structured. It was more simply a collection of recordings of what had worked and what had not worked much the way you are experiencing the same thing now. For what you see in the area of what you call your Internet, is very simply that this exploded into your reality. The government that actually created the Internet was not able to contain it. What a joy. For it spread very quickly allowing for full empowerment. Of course what happened here is that right away is that you have people using it for this purpose, and using it for this purpose, and using it for this purpose, and your human judgment would have you think that this is right, this is wrong, this is right. No. Allow it to be open and self-regulating for that is where the magic is. That is where the magic of Mu is and that is the government form that is coming back.
How is it coming back? If you would have asked us that question only two years ago, we would have told you there would have been a complete crumble of most of the governments of the world. Ahh. . .but you are advancing. You do not sit stationary in your vibrational movement, you advance forward. And only recently has it been possible for you to fully change those governments from within. Quite frankly, all the cards are not in yet. It will be determined by your choices for this is your government, not ours. In your world, the way you wrote the Game, you have only one rule—Free Choice in all matters. Do nothing to block that one rule and you will have found the key to the government of Mu. And we realize that we have probably confused you more than answered your question, but that is the answer. Thank you for asking.
Question: From a geographical perspective, where was Mu located?
Answer: It is only possible to give you magnetic coordinates which you would not understand, for everything has rearranged on the planet. There are pieces of it that have literally surfaced many, many times in many areas. The magnetics and the crossover of grids have changed many times so the alignment is not possible to pinpoint. We tell you there are some magical spots. One the Keeper will be visiting in two weeks. A place called Shasta. Another one is the active volcanoes in a place called Maui on Hawaii. We tell you there are spots, there are pieces of this magical energy that you will find spread out all over the place and yet the entire energy of Mu, the highest of vibrational places on the planet, the heart of the planet, you now have a capability of creating everywhere. For you are not in the days of Mu. You have actually advanced and although much of what they had there you are still striving for, you are not the same people. You have advanced so much in those days that you are now capable of creating it on a global basis. This is the reason you are given the tools to do such. This is the reason you have the technology holding for the spiritual advancement of humanity will now support the higher technology. There is a connection. Now that you are capable of creating this on a global basis, the technology to do so is in place. Do not fear the technology. It is there at your beck and call. It is only there to help you with your choices. Have we answered your question?
Question: A personal question. Frequently in the past months my bedroom lamp has been coming on by itself. Is there a specific energy that has been responsible for that?
Answer: Yes. Yours. This brings up a very interesting point and it is time we address it because it will be happening more and more. You have entities around you, which was your first question that you did not speak. You spoke it through the lamp and yes, they will play with you and yes, they will let you know that they are there. However, it is yours that has opened the door for that to happen. So you are the one that expressed the intent that set the energy that allowed this to happen. Yes. Your interaction, additionally with electromagnetic fields is changing. Your beings are changing. The being that holds an energetic field that has twelve fully stranded pieces of DNA, connected circles of DNA, is a different animal from an electromagnetic standpoint than those of you who sit here in this room although some of you are certainly in the process of re-connecting those. As you re-connect them as you change your biology, as you go through the simple things such as the heart murmurs, the waking up at three am, the changing of eating and sleeping patterns, the other things that we will simply call vibrational flu; as you go through these adjustments what happens is that your electromagnetic field changes. When your electromagnetic field changes, your relationship to those things that are electromagnetic in nature change around you.
There will be many of you who reach over to touch the toaster only to find that you have burned it out. We ask you to send intent for there are crystals that hold vibration. There are crystals that hold energy, and as those crystals accept your vibration, they incorporate them. When you place your fingers on the keyboard of your computer, please be aware that you are sending energy out of the tips of those fingers. If you intend for your keyboard to accept that energy and to transmute it well, that will be imprinted on the crystals that hold the energy of your computer. Otherwise you will burn them out. Set your intent. We take a moment while we adjust the energy in the room for it has shifted. Give us just a moment.
The other part of your question was were there beings around you. Yes. You have many. You have a friend. There is a grandmother energy and there is much to that for it is now possible for you to interact to the other side of the veil in ways that you have never been able to do before. What has happened is, as you advance vibrationally, you have purposely thinned the veil. Interactions from the other side of the veil are now completely possible and you will find many people who have left you with energy stamps that will now be here to help you work with those to help you clear them. Interesting process. Welcome them. They are only allowed to be with you if you ask, for everything here has to do with Free Choice. Have we answered your question?
Question: Many people, myself included, have had a feeling of being stuck and not being able to do anything. Doors seem to be closing and even if one opens there seems to be a brick wall and everybody describes this feeling as just being stuck and it even brings on feelings of frustration and depression. So I’m wondering, this next seven-month period that we’ve been hearing about, is that going to change things?
Answer: The direct answer to your question is no. That will not change, that feeling. What will change the feeling is your intent. Part of what you are feeling is the fourth dimension. There is one attribute of the fourth dimension that we have termed as the bridge. It is not a place that you will stay, it is a place that you will travel through. And as you first enter the fourth dimension, that attribute becomes extremely apparent. The attribute is lackluster.
If you can imagine going from a beautiful green of the deepest of forests. The lushness of all the green and the colors of fall all coming from this wonderful, vibrant energy into a tunnel of gray, that is the fourth dimension. It is necessary to travel through that. It is only your perceptions that make you feel disconnected and stuck. You are not. You are a being of magical powers for the co-creative abilities you have are beyond description. Yet, in the forest, when you are there with all the vibrancy of the energy, those miracles that you perform seem special but in the gray tunnel, even though they are the same miracles, they seem very gray. Be patient. Be patient with yourselves and know that you are in charge and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
There will come a time when you look back and say, thank you for that little rest period. Yes. That is the fourth dimension. We tell you now as you are starting the beginnings of the openings of that are within thirty days. Within thirty days you will begin a seven-month process that will set things into motion very clearly. Please understand that it is not the end of the fourth dimension. It is simply a way for you to start seeing beyond that and to start dipping your toe in the fifth. You think as humans and you apply those human timelines of attributes to our side of the veil and to the other dimensions. They do not fit. So you think that on such and such a date you will enter the fourth dimension, and on such and such a date you will stop and enter the fifth dimension. It does not work. The fourth dimension will be open here on the planet for some time. The fact is that you are some of the first people to walk through it. You have done so because you are the light. You have chosen purposefully to be here on the planet at exactly this time, for as the people enter the gray tunnel they are going to be looking around at each other going, why am I depressed? And you will be the ones saying, it is OK. Follow me. It is an illusion. Walk past it. Feel it. Take the gift. You can do that. Now that you are higher vibrational beings you have much more control over even your own biology than you have ever had before. Much will be coming on what you call depression for it is only an energy happening. It is part of the energy matrix of which we have spoken. And when energy feeds back on itself it shows up as depression or anxiety. It can be corrected. Thank you.
Question: What do I need to do, and thank you for being here, to remove whatever barriers I have to continue with my work?
Answer: We have only two words to answer your question. Trust yourself. That may sound simplistic in two words, yet we realize that behind the veil you cannot see yourself. We realize that you go through turmoil trying to put yourself into a little box that you can understand so you can see where your place is. We understand that you cannot see who you are. That is why we brought you together with those of you who can see who you are.
The Keeper has a friend and this friend had a very wonderful insight that we will share with you now. This lady started laughing hysterically one day while observing conversations in a room. And when the Keeper asked her what was so funny, she said, it is hilarious to look at you all and look how you communicate. It is as if all of you have little nameplates on your forehead with who you are written right on them and everyone can see them but you. Look in each other’s eyes. Share that with each other. That is who you are and then when you get the message, trust it. The smallest of action behind that trust will spark the magic and you will not be able to deny it from that point forward.
End of Question————-The channel resumes.
You are loved beyond your greatest understanding. For the personal turmoil you have faced in battling this question go in paradigms that go into dimensions that you will not understand for a long time, for you are not the only one who is learning the lesson. The eyes of the universe are watching everything and as you sit in a room alone, by yourself, wondering if you are making a difference, wondering if you are alone, and then when you make that little decision to put one foot in front of the other to come out and create the world, you open the door for millions. This is why we honor you so. For we touch many with our wings and yet we cannot do what you do. There will come a time when you will see your greatness and you will understand why we speak to you the way we do for we are not here to teach you. We are here to re-flect your own greatness. For only a moment, a brief moment, a glimpse of that is enough to carry you for a long time and once you see your true colors, you will never doubt yourself again and we hug you. Each and every one of you for we know you are playing the parts. You are the finite expression of us. And by having the courage to say, I will play the Game. I will forget who I am. I will walk into walls, I will trip over myself to come down here and open the door for all that is. We have only one word for you. Espavo.
We apologize to the Keeper for we have hugged too tight. ( They called me the Keeper and I was crying during this channel ) It is our greatest honor to be talking with you. It is our greatest honor to be in your presence and we thank the Keeper for not only walking through his role but you for walking into yours. Reach out. Stand in your truth as Amor did. Put the smallest of action behind your own truth and the magic will begin to happen for you hold the key. Espavo dear ones. Espavo. Thank you for taking your power.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, to nurture one another and to play well together.
We are complete.
The group.